
Craft compelling stories around the insights you discover with Memos!

What are Memos?

Memos are documents created within our platform that enable users to capture their research findings, investment ideas, and analysis insights to share as a report for key stakeholders. With a user-friendly WYSIWYG editor, rich formatting options, and collaboration features, Memos empower users to communicate complex financial concepts effectively.

Memos on Countercyclical

Unlike generic document editing platforms, Memos within Countercyclical are tailored specifically for the needs of value investors. With built-in features such as version control, Markdown support, and preview links, Memos offer a comprehensive solution for conducting research, collaborating with team members, and sharing insights within the investment community.


The "what you see is what you get" (WYSIWYG) editor provides users with a familiar and intuitive interface for creating memos and research insight reports. Users can format text, insert images, tables, and hyperlinks effortlessly, enabling them to convey their ideas effectively.

Markdown Support

Markdown is also supported for users who prefer writing in the format.

Markdown allows users to format text using simple syntax, providing a lightweight and efficient alternative to the WYSIWYG editor. Users can seamlessly switch between Markdown and WYSIWYG modes, depending on their preferences and workflow.

Text Styling Shortcuts

The following Markdown-based shortcuts can be used:


Use hash symbols (#) followed by a space to create headers. The number of hash symbols determines the header level.

# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3


Use asterisks (*) or underscores (_) to add emphasis to text. Wrap text with one asterisk or underscore for italic and with two for bold.

*Italic text*
_Italic text_

**Bold text**
__Bold text__


Use hyphens (-), plus signs (+), or asterisks (*) followed by a space to create unordered lists. Use numbers followed by a period (1.) for ordered lists.

- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3

1. First item
2. Second item
3. Third item


Use square brackets ([]) for the link text and parentheses (()) for the URL to create links.

[Link text](

Images: Similar to links, but with an exclamation mark (!) before the square brackets.

![Alt text](image_url)


Use a greater than symbol (>) followed by a space to create blockquotes.

> This is a blockquote.

Code Blocks

Use triple backticks (```) to create code blocks. You can specify the language for syntax highlighting after the opening triple backticks.

def hello_world():
    print("Hello, World!")

Horizontal Rule

Use three or more hyphens (---), asterisks (***), or underscores (___) to create a horizontal rule.


Rich Formatting Options

Express ideas vividly using rich formatting options such as bold, italics, underline, bullet points, and headings. The variety of formatting tools allows users to structure their memos and reports for clarity and readability.

Slash Commands

To enhance productivity and streamline your workflow, Memos supports slash commands for quick access to common actions. Users can perform tasks such as changing or adding formatting options, sharing memos with colleagues, and change between drafts and templates using intuitive slash commands.

Image and Media Integration

Enhance the visual appeal and comprehensibility of memos and reports by seamlessly integrating images, charts, graphs, and multimedia content. Users can upload or embed visual aids directly into their documents to provide additional context or illustrate key points.

Component Integration

Seamlessly pull charts, tables, and valuations directly into your Memos from any of the investments you're invited to. This functionality streamlines the process of incorporating financial data and analysis results into your reports, enhancing efficiency and accuracy.


Mention functionality enables users to tag specific individuals or groups within comments, drawing their attention to relevant discussions or insights. This feature enhances collaboration and ensures that the right stakeholders are involved in the conversation.


Memos allow users to add comments to specific sections of a memo, facilitating discussions and feedback among collaborators. Comments can be used to ask questions, provide feedback, or clarify information within the memo, enhancing collaboration and ensuring clear communication.

Undo / Redo Functionality

The editor also offers robust redo and undo functionality, allowing users to easily correct mistakes or revert changes. Whether users are in the WYSIWYG editor or Markdown mode, they can confidently experiment with formatting, revisions, and edits knowing that they can quickly undo any unintended actions or redo previous changes as needed.

Real-Time Collaboration and Sharing

Collaborate with team members or share insights with clients by easily sharing memos and reports within the platform. Users can control access permissions and collaborate in real-time, fostering teamwork and facilitating knowledge exchange.

This feature is only available on Pro and Enterprise plans.

For more information, please visit

Generate preview links to share Memos with others in a read-only state. Users can generate a unique link for their document and share it with colleagues, clients, or stakeholders, allowing them to view the content without needing to log in.

Full Screen Mode

Memos support full-screen mode, providing users with a distraction-free environment for focused writing and editing. In full-screen mode, the editor expands to fill the entire screen, minimizing distractions and maximizing productivity.


Create and reuse templates from your memos to streamline your workflow. Users can save frequently used memo structures, formatting styles, and content elements as templates, allowing for efficient creation of standardized reports and documents.

Export and Download Options

Export Memos in various formats, including PDF, Word, and HTML, for offline access or distribution. Users can download documents in their preferred format, enabling seamless integration with external tools or sharing platforms.

Getting Started with Memos

Embrace the power of Memos to streamline your workflow, enhance communication, and drive better investment outcomes from within the platform:

You can quickly access your memos at anytime by going to Profile -> Memos.

Creating and Accessing the Memo Editor

Navigate to the Memos section within the platform and click on the "Create New Memo" or "Start Writing" button to access the WYSIWYG editor.

Using your Memo Templates

If you're looking to use one of your Templates, you can do so by clicking on the dropdown next to the "Create Memo" button:

Compose Your Memo

Use the WYSIWYG editor to compose your memo or research insight report. Utilize the rich formatting options or Markdown syntax to structure your document for clarity and coherence.

Collaborate and Share

Collaborate with team members by inviting them to review or contribute to your memo. Control access permissions and share the document securely within the platform.

Review and Finalize

Review your memo for accuracy, coherence, and completeness. Make any necessary revisions or edits before finalizing the document.

Once the memo is ready for sharing, generate a preview link by selecting the appropriate option within the platform. Copy the generated link and share it with intended recipients.


Do you offer version history for Memos?

We're currently in the process of building this functionality out, and we're really looking forward to sharing this funtionality with the Countercyclical community when we're all done!

Have any feedback or questions for us? Please reach out to us at and we'd be more than happy to talk!

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