
Add members to your workspace and assign them roles, along with adding verified domains to your workspace for ease of joining.

What are Role-Based Access Controls?

Role-based access controls (RBACs) are rules that a workspace owner or admin can put on users to restrict them from accessing certain items.

By default, users are given very limited visibility when they first join a workspace. Luckily, Countercyclical makes it easy for workspace owners and admins to log in and expand visibility based on the user's role in the workspace.

Permissions in Countercyclical

Countercyclical makes use of role-based access controls by limiting certain users at a few different levels - the workspace, investment, and team. This section focuses on the workspace-level permissions.


By default, there will always be 1 member within a workspace at all times that's designated as the owner.

After a member has been invited to join your workspace, you can see their workspace permissions, onboarding status, as well as sections for deactivating and blocking specific users.

Types of Members

Guests and Admins invitations are only available on Pro Plans.


Owners are often the creators of a workspace, but not always (see Transferring Workspace Ownership below to learn more)

Owners have visibility and access to all items within a workspace (investments, valuations, teams, comments, etc.)


Admins have similar permissions and visibility as owners, but do not have the ability to update billing settings nor the ability to delete a workspace.


Members are the default permission option within a workspace and are recommended for most invitations.

Members don't have access to investments, valuations, or teams unless they are invited to or create them.


Guests are the most limited member type within a workspace.

Guest permissions are most useful for someone whose ancillary to your research team (IT, legal, accounting, etc.) and who might not be using Countercyclical frequently, but will want/need access to your workspace.

Adding Members to a Workspace

Every type of member, except for Guests, can invite users to a workspace.

There are two main ways of adding new members to a workspace:

You can quickly add new members to your workspace via the Quick Actions popup that's in the bottom-left of your workspace at all times.

By clicking this and selecting "Invite to Workspace", you will see a modal pop up where you can invite members easily.

Option #2 - Permissions Tab in Settings

The second option involves navigating to your Workspace Settings, and going to the Permissions tab.

Once you're here, you can click on the button labeled "Invite Members", where you will be able to input the user's email and select their permissions before sending them an invitation.

Member Status

Based on each member within a workspace, they may have a different status. Below you can find each type of status for a member within a workspace:


Active members indicate an active seat within a workspace and will count towards your billing cycle. If you have any questions about billing, we recommend reading through our section on Plans or reaching out to us via email at

Active members indicate users that have accepted an invitation to join the workspace.

Each additional member added to a workspace, along with all active seats within a workspace, are charged based on the workspace owner's initial plan & billing cycle (monthly or annual).

To change this, please read through our Plans section.

If a workspace owner downgrades their plan to Free, all other members within that workspace will become deactivated and will no longer be able to work within that workspace.


Invited members show members that have been sent an invitation to join the workspace, but who have not yet joined.

It doesn't cost anything to invite members to the workspace, but a billing method (credit/debit card or bank account) does need to be associated with an account before the invitation can be sent.

Billing for the invited user will begin once they accept the invitation to the workspace.


Deactivated members are users that were once active in the workspace, but are no longer so.

These members no longer have access to the workspace and become read-only.

If you have any questions or issues with deactivated users, please reach out to us via email at


Blocked members are users that are prevented from joining your workspace altogether. Even with a verified domain, any members marked as "Blocked" will not be able to join your workspace.

Blocked members do not have to be initially invited to your workspace to then be marked as "blocked", either.

Changing a Member's Permissions

These actions are only accessible to workspace owners and admins.

Changing a member's permissions for the entire workspace is as simple as clicking the dropdown menu next to the three dots on the user and updating their permission:


These actions are only accessible to workspace owners and admins.

Each workspace member has certain actions that can be performed on their permissions:

Transferring Workspace Ownership

This action is not recommended in most instances.

Instead, consider changing a user's workspace permission to Admin.

Please be aware of the consequences that could occur once you've transferred ownership of a workspace to another user. You cannot revert this action and they could remove you from the workspace altogether after this has taken place.

Furthermore, workspace owners can only transfer ownership to workspace admins.

Deactivated a Member

By selecting this option, you will mark the active user as deactivated and they will no longer be applied towards the workspace owner's billing plan/cycle.

Blocking a Member

By selecting this option, you will mark the active user as blocked and they will no longer be able to access the workspace.

You can also simply block a member from joining your workspace by clicking "Invite Members", type out the email address you want to block from joining the workspace, and select "Block Member" in the dropdown.

Once you've clicked the Save button, you will see the user's account show up under the "Blocked" tab.


There are a few different actions one can take on workspace members:

Filtering Based on Permission Type

Members can be filtered based on their permission type (Admin, Member, or Guest).

Showing / Hiding Tabs

By clicking this option, the numbering next to the different tabs (Active, Invited, Deactivated, and Blocked) will be removed.

Export Workspace Members to CSV

You can export a list of all past and current workspace members to a CSV file.

Resetting Filters & Actions

By clicking this option, you will reset the filters to the default options.

Verified Domains

Your workspace type will need to be an Organization in order to add Verified Domains, as verified domains are not supported for Personal workspaces.

You can learn more about the different types of workspaces here.

Verified domains are a Pro feature that allows admins to add a dedicated domain, or set of domains (up to 3 per workspace), to make the onboarding process easier for teammates to join.

If you need to add more verified domains to your workspace beyond the initial maximum of 5 domains, please contact us at

Adding a Verified Domain

Generic email domains (,, etc.) are not supported for verified domains.

To add a verified to your workspace, scroll to the bottom of the Permissions tab in your Workspace Settings and type in the domain you want to verify.

Pending vs. Approved

After you've added a domain, you will see that the domain is marked as "Pending Verification".

What this means is the following:

  • All workspace owners and admins will be emailed about the new domain looking to be verified.

  • For a domain to be marked as "Approved", one of the workspace admins or owners has to have an email address associated with their account that includes the domain looking to be added to their workspaces.

Have any questions or feedback? Feel free to reach out at

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