

Usage is a powerful tool that enables you to keep track of various activities and metrics within your workspace.

This feature is essential for understanding how your team is utilizing the platform and for identifying potential areas of improvement. By monitoring usage, you can gain insights into engagement, productivity, and collaboration among your team members.

Key Metrics

1. Time Spent

  • Total Hours Worked: View the cumulative hours that each team member has spent working within the workspace.

  • Collaboration Time: Track the amount of time spent by team members working together on shared projects and resources.

  • Active vs. Inactive Time: Distinguish between periods of active engagement and inactivity to identify peak usage times.


  • Total Comments: Monitor the total number of comments made by each team member across various resources such as Investments, Valuations, and Memos.

  • Comment Distribution: Analyze the distribution of comments across different resources to see which topics are generating the most discussion.

  • Top Commenters: Identify the most active participants in discussions.

3. Resources Created

  • Number of Resources: Track the total number of resources created by each team member.

  • Resource Types: Break down resources by type (e.g., documents, spreadsheets, presentations) to understand the diversity of content being produced.

  • Creation Trends: Observe trends in resource creation over time to identify periods of high productivity.

4. Views on Publicly Shared Resources

  • Total Views: See how many times publicly shared resources have been viewed.

  • Viewer Demographics: Gain insights into who is viewing your shared resources, including external stakeholders.

  • Engagement Metrics: Monitor engagement metrics such as average view duration and interaction rates with shared content.

How to Access Usage Metrics

  1. Navigate to Workspace Settings:

    • Select "Settings."

    • Choose "Workspace" at the top of the menu.

  2. Go to "Advanced" -> "Usage":

    • In the Workspace Settings page, find and click on the "Advanced" tab.

    • Once on the "Advanced" tab, select the usage tab "Usage".

    • This will take you to the Usage Dashboard, where you can view all available metrics.

  3. Filter and Customize Metrics:

    • Use the available filters to customize the metrics you want to view.

    • Options include filtering by date range, team member, resource type, and more.

  4. Export Data:

    • For further analysis, you can export the usage data in various formats (e.g., CSV, Excel).

    • Click the "Export" button and choose your preferred format.

Use Cases

Monitoring Team Engagement

  • Use the "Total Hours Worked" and "Collaboration Time" metrics to identify how engaged your team members are.

Enhancing Collaboration

  • Analyze the "Comment Distribution" and "Top Commenters" metrics to understand the dynamics of team discussions.

Identifying Resource Utilization

  • Review the "Number of Resources" and "Resource Types" metrics to see what types of content are being produced.

Evaluating Public Reception

  • Monitor the "Total Views" and "Viewer Demographics" metrics to gauge the reach and impact of publicly shared resources.

  • Use engagement metrics to improve the quality and relevance of shared content.

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